Worldwide, there are around 600 million people aged over 60 and this figure is set to double by 2025. With older people making up such a large percentage of the population they play an increasingly important role in society. Many older people undertake voluntary work, making a positive impact on the community; others help families with childcare and other care needs, enabling parents to return to work and cutting childcare costs. On the 1st October it was UN International Day of Older Persons – a day to celebrate all the major contributions that older people make to society.
Lots of us have concerns about getting older; how we will manage as technology advances and life changes. However, with the right knowledge and planning older people can safeguard their futures to reduce worry and the fear of being a burden to your loved ones. Whatever stage you’re at in life it’s never too soon to think about the practicalities of getting older.
At The Wilkes Partnership we offer expert advice and assistance in areas such as Wills, Property Ownership, Tax Planning and Lasting Powers of Attorney. Considering these important issues now will help towards enjoying a care-free old age.
Contact Ann-Marie Aston or Sophie Fenn for more information on the services we offer on 0121 733 8000, [email protected] and [email protected]