The Government is committed to increasing housing supply and helping more people to achieve their aspirations of owning a home. Leenamari Aantaa-Collier, planning solicitor at The Wilkes Partnership, discusses the matter.
The Right to Build: Supporting Custom and Self Build Consultation is an extension of the Government’s planning reforms to significantly help boost the supply of housing. Custom built housing, including self build, is “housing commissioned and built by individuals or groups of individuals for their own use, either by building the home on their own or working with builders” (Right to Build: Supporting Custom and Self Build Consultation 2014). It gives an excellent opportunity to small and individual developers to achieve their aspirations that perhaps previously were only possible for a privileged few.
Leenamari comments “it will be interesting to see how the Local Planning Authorities will respond to the new Government initiative if implemented. Will Planning Authorities be able to be proactive enough to find suitable land to cater for the demand? Perhaps this is an opportunity for those who are creating their own new Neighbourhood Plans to release some land for the self build. No doubt, however, this Government initiative is a great opportunity to expand custom build homes which may turn out to be more affordable than the usual route in obtaining your ideal home”.
If you need any further information about Neighbour Plans or the Right to Build Consultation please contact Leenamari Aantaa-Collier on 0121 710 5891 or [email protected]. You can read further information about our planning team here.